Multichannel reflection seismics during RV SONNE cruise SO236, Maldivian carbonate platform

Multi-channel reflection seismic data (MCS) were obtained by means of a 144-channel digital streamer (Hydroscience Technologies Inc.) with an active length of 600 m and a hydrophone-group interval of 4.167 m. The streamer was depth controlled by four navigator birds (Geospace Technologies) and towed at a water depth of 2 to 2.5 m. As seismic source, an array consisting of a standard GI gun and a mini GI gun was used with a total volume of 150+45 in3. The airguns shot with a pressure of 180 to 200 bar every 12.5 m or 16.7 m at a survey speed of 5 to 5.5 kn. Data were sampled with a rate of 1 ms and a record length of 4 s and were stored SEG-Y format. The profiles are fully processed and time migrated by the use of the Halliburton-Landmark ProMAX 2D software package.

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Cite this as

Lüdmann, Thomas, Betzler, Christian, Lindhorst, Sebastian (2022). Dataset: Multichannel reflection seismics during RV SONNE cruise SO236, Maldivian carbonate platform.

DOI retrieved: 2022

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Lüdmann, Thomas
Given Name Thomas
Family Name Lüdmann
More Authors
Betzler, Christian
Lindhorst, Sebastian
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: MCS_SO236
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: The Maldives, a key location of carbonate drifts
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Marine Geology
Authors: Lüdmann Thomas , Betzler Christian , Lindhorst Sebastian .