BRITICE-CHRONO maps and GIS data of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet 31 to 15 ka, including model reconstruction, geochronometric age spreadsheet, palaeotopographies and coastline positions

The BRITICE-CHRONO project measured 639 new geochronometric ages that constrain the timing of advance and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet between 31,000 and 15,000 years ago, including across the North Sea. These ages (optically stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide methods) are made available in an excel spreadsheet, along with all sample and laboratory metadata and calibrations. Together with other published information, the ages were used to build an empirical ice sheet reconstruction at one thousand year time-steps. A poster-map and slideshow (PDF) of the reconstruction (31 to 15 ka) and the underlying GIS data (ArcGIS shapefiles) of ice extents (min, max and optimum) are made available here. An ice sheet model was nudged to fit these ice limits and the ensuing model-reconstruction is made available as a poster-map, slideshow (PDF) and movie (GIF) of the reconstruction (31 to 15 ka). The GIS data is also available including grounded ice extent and ice shelves, ice thickness, ice surface elevation, and ice velocity (as ArcGIS grids). From glacio-isostatic adjustment modelling we also provide digital elevation models of the palaeotopography of the British Isles and surrounding sea floors and coastline positions from 36 to 1 ka (ArcGIS grids and shapefiles). Full methods, descriptions, caveats and interpretations are available in the parent paper to this dataset: Clark. C.D. et al. (2022) Growth and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet, 31,000 to 15,000 years ago: the BRITICE-CHRONO reconstruction, Boreas.

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Cite this as

Clark, Chris D, Ely, Jeremy C, Fabel, Derek, Bradley, Sarah L (2022). Dataset: BRITICE-CHRONO maps and GIS data of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet 31 to 15 ka, including model reconstruction, geochronometric age spreadsheet, palaeotopographies and coastline positions.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Clark, Chris D
Given Name Chris D
Family Name Clark
More Authors
Ely, Jeremy C
Fabel, Derek
Bradley, Sarah L
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Clark-etal_2022
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Timing, pace and controls on ice sheet retreat: an introduction to the BRITICE‐CHRONO transect reconstructions of the British–Irish Ice Sheet
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Journal of Quaternary Science
Authors: Clark Chris D , Chiverrell Richard C , Fabel Derek , Hindmarsh Richard C A , Ó Cofaigh Colm , Scourse James D , Clark Chris D , Ely Jeremy C , Hindmarsh Richard C A , Bradley Sarah L , Igneczi Adam , Fabel Derek , Ó Cofaigh Colm , Chiverrell Richard C , Scourse James D , Benetti Sara , Bradwell T , Evans D J A , Roberts D H , Burke M , Callard S Louise , Saher Margot , Small D , Smedley R K , Gasson Edward G W , Gregoire Lauren J , Gandy N , Hughes Anna L C , Ballantyne Colin K , Bateman Mark , Bigg Grant R , Doole J , Dove D , Duller G A T , Jenkins Geraint T H , Livingstone S L , McCarron S , Moreton Stephen , Pollard David , Praeg Daniel , Sejrup Hans Petter , van Landeghem K J J , Wilson Paul A .

Title: Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Boreas
Authors: Clark Chris D , Chiverrell Richard C , Fabel Derek , Hindmarsh Richard C A , Ó Cofaigh Colm , Scourse James D , Clark Chris D , Ely Jeremy C , Hindmarsh Richard C A , Bradley Sarah L , Igneczi Adam , Fabel Derek , Ó Cofaigh Colm , Chiverrell Richard C , Scourse James D , Benetti Sara , Bradwell T , Evans D J A , Roberts D H , Burke M , Callard S Louise , Saher Margot , Small D , Smedley R K , Gasson Edward G W , Gregoire Lauren J , Gandy N , Hughes Anna L C , Ballantyne Colin K , Bateman Mark , Bigg Grant R , Doole J , Dove D , Duller G A T , Jenkins Geraint T H , Livingstone S L , McCarron S , Moreton Stephen , Pollard David , Praeg Daniel , Sejrup Hans Petter , van Landeghem K J J , Wilson Paul A .