CO2 in ice cores at core depth 1.95 m from Larsen blue ice area, East Antarctica

Blue ice areas (BIAs) have several advantages for reconstructing past climate. However, the complicated ice flow in the areas hinders constraining the age. We apply state-of-the-art techniques and show that the ages cover the last deglaciation for Larsen BIA. Our study demonstrates that Larsen BIA in Northern Victoria Land helps in reconstructing the past climate during the last deglaciation. This data set presents gas composition (CO2, CH4, N2O, δ18Oatm, δ15N-N2, δO2/N2, δAr/N2), stable water isotopes (δ2Hice, δ18Oice), and the chronology of Larsen BIA. The ice cores were collected in January 2019 in Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica. Gas composition analysis was conducted at Seoul National University and National Institute of Polar Research. Stable water isotopes were analyzed at Korea Polar Research Institute. Data sets were also published as a supplement of Lee et al. (2022) titled with “Chronostratigraphy of Larsen blue ice area in Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica, and its implications for paleoclimate”, The Cryosphere.

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Cite this as

Lee, Giyoon, Ahn, Jinho, Ju, Hyeontae, Ritterbusch, Florian, Oyabu, Ikumi, Buizert, Christo, Kim, S, Moon, Jangil, Ghosh, Sambit, Kawamura, Kenji, Lu, Zheng-Tian, Hong, Sangbum, Han, Changhee, Hur, Soon Do, Jiang, Wei, Yang, Guo-Min (2022). Dataset: CO2 in ice cores at core depth 1.95 m from Larsen blue ice area, East Antarctica.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Lee, Giyoon
Given Name Giyoon
Family Name Lee
More Authors
Ahn, Jinho
Ju, Hyeontae
Ritterbusch, Florian
Oyabu, Ikumi
Buizert, Christo
Kim, S
Moon, Jangil
Ghosh, Sambit
Kawamura, Kenji
Lu, Zheng-Tian
Hong, Sangbum
Han, Changhee
Hur, Soon Do
Jiang, Wei
Yang, Guo-Min
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Larsen_BIA_Gas_1925m_CO2
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Chronostratigraphy of the Larsen blue-ice area in northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica, and its implications for paleoclimate
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: The Cryosphere
Authors: Lee Giyoon , Ahn Jinho , Ju Hyeontae , Ritterbusch Florian , Oyabu Ikumi , Buizert Christo , Kim S , Moon Jangil , Ghosh Sambit , Kawamura Kenji , Lu Zheng-Tian , Hong Sangbum , Han Changhee , Hur Soon Do , Jiang Wei , Yang Guo-Min .