LADCP current data collected during RRS Discovery cruise DY081

This data release includes Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profile data collected during a 2017 (June - August) research expedition onboard the RRS Discovery, DY081, in the North Atlantic Ocean. DY081 was the first fieldwork component of a European Research Council funded project, ICY-LAB, led by Dr. K. Hendry from the University of Bristol to study nutrient cycling in the North Atlantic. Twenty-four CTD casts were carried out in four sites of interest: Orphan Knoll off the coast of Newfoundland, and Nuuk, Nasrsaq, and Cape Farewell off southwest Greenland. During each cast, two Teledyne RD WorkHorse 300 kHz ADCPs were secured to the CTD rosette facing in opposite directions. Raw LADCP data files were processed with the LDEO LADCP processing software version IX_8. The processing version was set to bottom tracking mode and employed auxiliary CTD time series data. Processed CTD profile files also incorporated GPS data stored parallel in time, arriving from the ship's 1 Hz feed. Pairing the CTD profile data with the LADCP casts in time is executed by correlating the pressure time series of the CTD file with the depth of the LADCP cast, itself calculated through integration of the vertical velocity. Shipboard ADCP data were not included in the processing procedure. Difficulties were encountered for the CTD stations near Nuuk in waters with a bottom depth shallower than 100m (station 11 and station 14), and with CTD station 22. See cruise report for full details. Note that no data were recorded from CTD station 12.

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Hendry, Katharine R, Opher, Jacob, Brearley, James Alexander (2022). Dataset: LADCP current data collected during RRS Discovery cruise DY081.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Hendry, Katharine R
Given Name Katharine R
Family Name Hendry
More Authors
Opher, Jacob
Brearley, James Alexander
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: DY081_CTD_2017
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: RRS Discovery Cruise DY081, July 6th - August 8th 2017, St John's, Canada - Southampton, UK, ICY-LAB Isotope CYcling in the LABrador Sea, Cruise Report
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2017
Source: University of Bristol
Authors: Hendry Katharine R , Hendry Katharine R , Huvenne Veerle A I , Robinson Laura F , Annett Amber , Badger Marcus P S , Jacobel Allison W , Ng Hong Chin , Opher Jacob , Pickering Rebecca A , Taylor Michelle L , Bates Stephanie L , Cooper Adam , Cushman Grace G , Goodwin Claire , Hoy Shannon Kelsey , Rowland George Henry , Samperiz Ana , Williams James A , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Arrowsmith Carol , Brearley J Alexander , Henley Sian Frances , Krause Jeffrey W , Leng Melanie J , Li Tao , McManus Jerry F , Meredith Michael P , Perkins Rupert , Woodward E Malcolm S , Mountifield Dougal .

Title: The biogeochemical impact of glacial meltwater from Southwest Greenland
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Progress in Oceanography
Authors: Hendry Katharine R , Hendry Katharine R , Huvenne Veerle A I , Robinson Laura F , Annett Amber , Badger Marcus P S , Jacobel Allison W , Ng Hong Chin , Opher Jacob , Pickering Rebecca A , Taylor Michelle L , Bates Stephanie L , Cooper Adam , Cushman Grace G , Goodwin Claire , Hoy Shannon Kelsey , Rowland George Henry , Samperiz Ana , Williams James A , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Arrowsmith Carol , Brearley J Alexander , Henley Sian Frances , Krause Jeffrey W , Leng Melanie J , Li Tao , McManus Jerry F , Meredith Michael P , Perkins Rupert , Woodward E Malcolm S , Mountifield Dougal .

Title: NMF Sensors and Moorings CTD, LADCP & SAPs Expedition Report DY081
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2017
Source: National Oceanography Centre
Authors: Hendry Katharine R , Hendry Katharine R , Huvenne Veerle A I , Robinson Laura F , Annett Amber , Badger Marcus P S , Jacobel Allison W , Ng Hong Chin , Opher Jacob , Pickering Rebecca A , Taylor Michelle L , Bates Stephanie L , Cooper Adam , Cushman Grace G , Goodwin Claire , Hoy Shannon Kelsey , Rowland George Henry , Samperiz Ana , Williams James A , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Arrowsmith Carol , Brearley J Alexander , Henley Sian Frances , Krause Jeffrey W , Leng Melanie J , Li Tao , McManus Jerry F , Meredith Michael P , Perkins Rupert , Woodward E Malcolm S , Mountifield Dougal .