Nutrient concentrations of four aquarium systems (physico-chemical treatments) of experiment with different life stages of the cold-water coral Caryophyllia huinayensis

We conducted a long-term (6 months) aquarium experiment with the cold-water coral Caryophyllia huinayensis to investigate the response of three different life stages to a combination of aragonite saturation, temperature and food availability. We took waters samples for nutrient analysis once a week.

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Beck, Kristina K, Nierste, Jan, Schmidt-Grieb, Gertraud M, Lüdtke, Esther, Naab, Christoph, Held, Christoph, Nehrke, Gernot, Steinhoefel, Grit, Laudien, Jürgen, Richter, Claudio, Wall, Marlene (2023). Dataset: Nutrient concentrations of four aquarium systems (physico-chemical treatments) of experiment with different life stages of the cold-water coral Caryophyllia huinayensis.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Beck, Kristina K
Given Name Kristina K
Family Name Beck
More Authors
Nierste, Jan
Schmidt-Grieb, Gertraud M
Lüdtke, Esther
Naab, Christoph
Held, Christoph
Nehrke, Gernot
Steinhoefel, Grit
Laudien, Jürgen
Richter, Claudio
Wall, Marlene
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: 06_nutrients
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry