Abundance, biomass and respiration data of fishes (Stomiiformes) from the BATHYPELAGIC cruise (June 2018) in Northeast Atlantic Ocean

The values of carbon remineralisation were measured in juveniles/adults of 5 non-migratory bristlemouth fishes (Cyclothone spp.) and partial migrator (Argyropelecus hemigymnus) sampled during the BATHYPELAGIC cruise (North Atlantic, June 2018). This dataset contains the values of numerical abundance, biomass, specific ETS activity, specific respiraton and respiration flux data analyzed from Northwest Africa (20° N, 20° W) to the South of Iceland. A. hemigymnus specimens were collected using a ''Mesopelagos” net (5 x7 m mouth opening, 58 m total length) equipped with graded-mesh netting (starting with 30 mm and ending with 4 mm) and a multi-sampler for collecting samples from 5 different depth layers (Olivar et al., 2017). However, Cyclothone specimens were collected using the Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS-1 m²) zooplankton net (Wiebe et al., 1985) with a 0.2 mm mesh size and with several nets for collecting samples from 8 different depth layers. The Mesopelagos catches were sorted out and identified on board to the lowest possible taxon, and specimens selected for Electron Transfer System (ETS) analyses were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen for later analysis in the laboratory. MOCNESS samples were preserved in 5% buffered formalin, and specimens were sorted out later in the laboratory. Stomiiforms respiration in the meso- and bathypelagic zones of the ocean were estimated along the transect. Abundance, biomass, specific ETS activity, specific respiration and respiration are given by layer.

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Sarmiento-Lezcano, Airam Nauzet, Olivar, M Pilar, Peña, Marian, Landeira, José María, Armengol, Laia, Medina-Suárez, Ione, Castellón, Arturo, Hernández-León, Santiago (2022). Dataset: Abundance, biomass and respiration data of fishes (Stomiiformes) from the BATHYPELAGIC cruise (June 2018) in Northeast Atlantic Ocean. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.950504

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.950504
Author Sarmiento-Lezcano, Airam Nauzet
Given Name Airam Nauzet
Family Name Sarmiento-Lezcano
More Authors
Olivar, M Pilar
Peña, Marian
Landeira, José María
Armengol, Laia
Medina-Suárez, Ione
Castellón, Arturo
Hernández-León, Santiago
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Abund_biom_ETS_respir
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Carbon remineralization by small mesopelagic and bathypelagic Stomiiforms in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean
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Type: DOI
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Year: 2022
Source: Progress in Oceanography
Authors: Sarmiento-Lezcano Airam Nauzet , Olivar M Pilar , Peña Marian , Landeira José María , Armengol Laia , Medina-Suárez Ione , Castellón Arturo , Hernández-León Santiago , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Packard Ted T , Wiebe Peter H , Morton A W , Bradley A M , Backus R H , Craddock J E , Barber V , Cowles Timothy , Flierl Glenn R .

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Authors: Sarmiento-Lezcano Airam Nauzet , Olivar M Pilar , Peña Marian , Landeira José María , Armengol Laia , Medina-Suárez Ione , Castellón Arturo , Hernández-León Santiago , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Packard Ted T , Wiebe Peter H , Morton A W , Bradley A M , Backus R H , Craddock J E , Barber V , Cowles Timothy , Flierl Glenn R .

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Authors: Sarmiento-Lezcano Airam Nauzet , Olivar M Pilar , Peña Marian , Landeira José María , Armengol Laia , Medina-Suárez Ione , Castellón Arturo , Hernández-León Santiago , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Packard Ted T , Wiebe Peter H , Morton A W , Bradley A M , Backus R H , Craddock J E , Barber V , Cowles Timothy , Flierl Glenn R .

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Authors: Sarmiento-Lezcano Airam Nauzet , Olivar M Pilar , Peña Marian , Landeira José María , Armengol Laia , Medina-Suárez Ione , Castellón Arturo , Hernández-León Santiago , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Packard Ted T , Wiebe Peter H , Morton A W , Bradley A M , Backus R H , Craddock J E , Barber V , Cowles Timothy , Flierl Glenn R .

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Authors: Sarmiento-Lezcano Airam Nauzet , Olivar M Pilar , Peña Marian , Landeira José María , Armengol Laia , Medina-Suárez Ione , Castellón Arturo , Hernández-León Santiago , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Packard Ted T , Wiebe Peter H , Morton A W , Bradley A M , Backus R H , Craddock J E , Barber V , Cowles Timothy , Flierl Glenn R .