Ship based cetacean survey Southern Ocean 2019

This dataset was collected during PS119 during a dedicated distance sampling survey for cetaceans in the Southern Ocean conducted on board of Polarstern during the austral summer 2019 (25-04-2019 - 21-05-2019). Effort related sighting data were collected along the ship track of R/V Polarstern to infer density distribution of southern hemisphere fin whales. Surveys were conducted whenever wheather and ship operations permitted. Surveys were conducted with 2 observers and one data logger from the crow's nest at ~ 29m ASL. Positions were logged every 4 seconds using a dedicated survey software and all cetacean sightings were recorded upon detection. All changes that may impact detection probability of cetaceans were noted as described by the observers. This dataset contains all cetacean sightings recorded on track, including species, group size and effort related data including position (lat / lon) and datetime (utc format). All cetacean sightings were identified using binoculars (if possible) and comprise the number of animals in the group. Groups were defined as animals in close proximity at no more than two body lengths apart (not to be compared with e.g. acoustic groups that may stretch across hundreds of kilometers). All detections were made using naked eye, binoculars were only used for species identification.

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Cite this as

Viquerat, Sacha, Herr, Helena (2023). Dataset: Ship based cetacean survey Southern Ocean 2019.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Viquerat, Sacha
Given Name Sacha
Family Name Viquerat
More Authors
Herr, Helena
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: PS119-ship_cetacea
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Identifying seasonal distribution patterns of fin whales across the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula region using a novel approach combining habitat suitability models and ensemble learning methods
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Frontiers in Marine Science
Authors: Viquerat Sacha , Waluda Claire M , Kennedy Amy , Jackson Jen , Hevia Marta , Carroll Emma L , Buss Danielle L , Burkhardt Elke , Thain Scott , Smith Patrick , Secchi Eduardo R , Santora Jarrod A , Reiss Christian S , Lindstrøm Ulf , Krafft Bjørn Arne , Gittins George , Dalla Luciano , Biuw Martin , Herr Helena .

Title: Legend: Ship based cetacean survey Southern Ocean 2019
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Viquerat Sacha , Waluda Claire M , Kennedy Amy , Jackson Jen , Hevia Marta , Carroll Emma L , Buss Danielle L , Burkhardt Elke , Thain Scott , Smith Patrick , Secchi Eduardo R , Santora Jarrod A , Reiss Christian S , Lindstrøm Ulf , Krafft Bjørn Arne , Gittins George , Dalla Luciano , Biuw Martin , Herr Helena .