Nematoda diversity and functional feeding groups on the Northeast Greenland (NEG) shelf during POLARSTERN cruise PS109

Between September and October 2017, MUC cores were deployed at various locations across the Northeast Greenland (NEG) shelf with R/V Polarstern during PS109. Samples for meiofauna were collected with a cut-off 10 ml syringe (area 1.89 m²) that was inserted to 5 cm depth sediment depth in the MUC core, and subsequently sliced in 5 horizons of 1 cm. Afterwards, meiofauna were extracted from the samples by triple density centrifugation with the colloidal silica polymer LUDOX TM 40 (Heip et al., 1985) and rinsed with freshwater on stacked 1 mm and 32 µm mesh sieves. The fraction retained on the 32 µm mesh sieve was preserved in 4 % Li2CO3-buffered formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. Nematodes of each sample were handpicked with a fine needle, transferred to glycerine (De Grisse I, II and III) (Seinhorst, 1959) , mounted on glass slides, identified to genus level and allocated to functional feeding groups based on Wieser, 1953 (as selective deposit feeders - 1A, non-selective deposit feeders - 1B, epistratum feeders - 2A and predators/scavengers - 2B).

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Da Costa Monteiro, Luana, Lins, Lidia, Braeckman, Ulrike (2024). Dataset: Nematoda diversity and functional feeding groups on the Northeast Greenland (NEG) shelf during POLARSTERN cruise PS109.

DOI retrieved: 2024

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Da Costa Monteiro, Luana
Given Name Luana
Family Name Da Costa Monteiro
More Authors
Lins, Lidia
Braeckman, Ulrike
Source Creation 2024
Publication Year 2024
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: PS109_nematoda
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
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Source: Elementa - Science of the Anthropocene
Authors: Bodur Yasemin V , Renaud Paul E , Lins Lidia , Da Costa Monteiro Luana , Ambrose William G Jr , Felden Janine , Krumpen Thomas , Wenzhöfer Frank , Włodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Braeckman Ulrike , Heip Carlo H R , Vincx Magda , Vranken G , Seinhorst J W , Wieser Wolfgang .

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Authors: Bodur Yasemin V , Renaud Paul E , Lins Lidia , Da Costa Monteiro Luana , Ambrose William G Jr , Felden Janine , Krumpen Thomas , Wenzhöfer Frank , Włodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Braeckman Ulrike , Heip Carlo H R , Vincx Magda , Vranken G , Seinhorst J W , Wieser Wolfgang .

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Authors: Bodur Yasemin V , Renaud Paul E , Lins Lidia , Da Costa Monteiro Luana , Ambrose William G Jr , Felden Janine , Krumpen Thomas , Wenzhöfer Frank , Włodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Braeckman Ulrike , Heip Carlo H R , Vincx Magda , Vranken G , Seinhorst J W , Wieser Wolfgang .

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Authors: Bodur Yasemin V , Renaud Paul E , Lins Lidia , Da Costa Monteiro Luana , Ambrose William G Jr , Felden Janine , Krumpen Thomas , Wenzhöfer Frank , Włodarska-Kowalczuk Maria , Braeckman Ulrike , Heip Carlo H R , Vincx Magda , Vranken G , Seinhorst J W , Wieser Wolfgang .