Geoscientific data indicate Storegga slide tsunami impact on the southeastern German North Sea coast

The Storegga slide tsunami (SST) at ca. 8100 ± 100-250 cal BP is known to be the largest tsunami that affected the North Sea during the entire Holocene. Geological traces of tsunami landfall were discovered along the coasts of Norway, Scotland, England, Denmark, the Faroes and Shetland Islands. So far, the German North Sea coast has been considered as being well protected due to the wide continental shelf and predominant shallow water depths, both assumed to dissipate tsunami wave energy significantly, thus hindering SST propagation dynamics. Our research was carried out in order to clarify if the SST reached the German Bight and if corresponding sediment markers can be found. Our study is based on a 20 m long sediment core (GAR 1A) recovered from Eiderstedt Peninsula near Garding in North Frisia. In this data repository, we present high-resolution Direct Push sensing data as well as grain size and magnetic susceptibility data, which were used to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical conditions.

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Vött, Andreas, Frechen, Manfred, Sirocko, Frank (2024). Dataset: Geoscientific data indicate Storegga slide tsunami impact on the southeastern German North Sea coast.

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Vött, Andreas
Given Name Andreas
Family Name Vött
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Frechen, Manfred
Sirocko, Frank
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Vott-etal_2023
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

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Title: Evidence of isochronic transgressive surfaces within the Jade Bay tidal flat area, southern German North Sea coast ? Holocene event horizons of regional interest
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues
Authors: Wartenberg Wolfram , Vött Andreas , Freund Holger , Hadler Hanna , Frechen Manfred , Willershäuser Timo , Schnaidt Stefanie , Fischer Peter , Obrocki Lea .