Chemical composition of manganese nodules and crusts from the Central Pacific

Of the 26 samples collected during VA-05/1 cruise of R V Valdivia during 1972, 19 were nodules of different forms, 4 ferromanganese crusts and 3 cylindral nodules. Nodules and crusts were air dried and pulverised. In case of cylindrical-types and crust material, the clayey-calcareous filling and core materials were removed. The powder was dried at 110°C for 24 hr. Samples were digested in an autoclave 'BOMB' with a mixture of HF-HCl-HNO3. Determinations were carried out on a PE atomic absorption spectrophotometer.

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Roonwal, G S, Friedrich, Günther H W (2023). Dataset: Chemical composition of manganese nodules and crusts from the Central Pacific.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Roonwal, G S
Given Name G S
Family Name Roonwal
More Authors
Friedrich, Günther H W
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Roonwal_1980
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Chemical variation and element correlation in manganese nodules from a dredge haul in the Central Pacific
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1980
Source: Indian Journal of Marine Sciences
Authors: Roonwal G S , Friedrich Günther H W , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .

Title: The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
Authors: Roonwal G S , Friedrich Günther H W , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .

Title: Fig. 1: Morphology of the nodules [A, round to elipsoidal to angular; B, polynodule in which 2 large and small nodules are seen; and C, cylindrical]
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Roonwal G S , Friedrich Günther H W , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .

Title: Fig. 1: Morphology of the nodules [D, C.S. of feromanganese crust]
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Roonwal G S , Friedrich Günther H W , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .

Title: The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
Authors: Roonwal G S , Friedrich Günther H W , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .