Validation data of measured VIS/NIR/SW albedo derived from the ACLOUD campaign and retrieval data (sea ice surface albedo and surface classification) from MODIS

Data of the broadband albedo averaged at the MODIS pixel, which was derived from the measurements by either pyrometer (shortwave, in the range of 200-3600 nm) or albedometer (visible in 400-700nm, near infrared in 700-2100, and shortwave in 400-2100) during the ACLOUD and AFLUX campaigns. This data is intended to validate the RTM-SciML (short for radiative transfer model - scientific machine learning model) algorithm, which uses top-of-atmosphere radiance data from MODIS as input to perform albedo retrieval for sea-ice surface. In addition to the satellite and measured data, the pixel type and surface classification retrieved using scientific machine learning models ( are also included.

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Zhou, Yingzhen, Chen, Nan (2023). Dataset: Validation data of measured VIS/NIR/SW albedo derived from the ACLOUD campaign and retrieval data (sea ice surface albedo and surface classification) from MODIS.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Zhou, Yingzhen
Given Name Yingzhen
Family Name Zhou
More Authors
Chen, Nan
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: df_ACLOUD-validation_albedometer
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Source: The Cryosphere
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Title: Validation data of sea ice surface albedo derived from the ACLOUD and AFLUX campaign measurements
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Authors: Zhou Yingzhen , Li Wei , Chen Nan , Fan Yongzhen , Stamnes Knut , Zhou Yingzhen , Chen Nan , Jäkel Evelyn , Ehrlich André , Schäfer Michael , Wendisch Manfred , Stapf Johannes , Ehrlich André , Wendisch Manfred .

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