A standardized EGRIP density profile, true depth and ice-equivalent depth

We here report measured densities from a combination of records from the EastGRIP ice-core site. The data come from a trench and two ice cores: the shallow EGRIP-S6 core and the deep main core of the project. Based on these data, we parametrize the density as a function of depth, allowing us to provide a standard transfer function between true depth and ice-equivalent depth which is consistent with the EGRIP density measurements. EGRIP density data are only available to 117 m depth, at which depth the density is about 900 kg/m^3 and the difference between true depth and ice-equivalent depth is about 22 m. The density and overburden profiles have been extended below this depth and all the way to 1200 m in order to provide a convenient, continuous and (mostly) smooth transfer function between true depth and ice-equivalent depth. See PDF file provided under 'Documentation' for full description of data and parametrization.

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Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Freitag, Johannes, Kipfstuhl, Sepp (2023). Dataset: A standardized EGRIP density profile, true depth and ice-equivalent depth. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.962758

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.962758
Author Rasmussen, Sune Olander
Given Name Sune Olander
Family Name Rasmussen
More Authors
Vinther, Bo Møllesøe
Freitag, Johannes
Kipfstuhl, Sepp
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: EGRIP_modelled_iceequivalent_depth_and_density
Subject Areas
Name: Cryosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: A standardized EGRIP density profile and transfer function between true depth and ice-equivalent depth
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Source: Centre for Ice and Climate, Section for the Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth, Niels Bohr Institute, University
Authors: Rasmussen Sune Olander , Vinther Bo Møllesøe , Freitag Johannes , Kipfstuhl Sepp .