Stable isotope and trace element data for a Siderastrea siderea coral core CIM_C_2-2-1/CIM_C_2-2-2 from the Gulf of Mexico

Massive corals act as a climate archive for the tropical oceans. They can provide valuable information in regions that have no or limited observations such as the southern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), where there is almost no information reaching back to preindustrial times on sea surface temperature (SST) or sea surface salinity (SSS) available. For the reconstruction of SST and SSS in the southern GOM the massive coral Siderastrea siderea was cored in 2005 providing a time window into the past reaching from 1845 to 2005 CE. The coral core was cut and X-rayed and bimothly samples were drilled with a Proxxon drill and 0.4 mm diamant coated drill bit. Oxygen isotopes were measured at the MARUM facilities in Bremen with a Finnigan MAT 251 and Finningan Mat 253plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Trace element analysis was done at the ZMT facilities in Bremen on a Plasma Quant MS Elite Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer. The Dataset also includes reconstructed δ18OSW after data Ren et al. (2002) as well as the detrended δ18OSW dataset and Pseudo Coral model data (Thompson et al., 2011). The age model for the dataset was interpolated using the Arand software Ager and Timer (Howell et al., 2006). Outliers were identified with the detection method provided by Chen and Liu (1993).

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Cite this as

Harbott, Marie, Wu, Henry C, Kuhnert, Henning, Jimenez, Carlos, González-Díaz, Patricia, Rixen, Tim (2023). Dataset: Stable isotope and trace element data for a Siderastrea siderea coral core CIM_C_2-2-1/CIM_C_2-2-2 from the Gulf of Mexico.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Harbott, Marie
Given Name Marie
Family Name Harbott
More Authors
Wu, Henry C
Kuhnert, Henning
Jimenez, Carlos
González-Díaz, Patricia
Rixen, Tim
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Harbott-etal_2023
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

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Title: A Warming Southern Gulf of Mexico: Reconstruction of Anthropogenic Environmental Changes From a Siderastrea siderea Coral on the Northern Coast of Cuba
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Source: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Authors: Harbott Marie , Wu Henry C , Kuhnert Henning , Jimenez Carlos , González-Díaz Patricia , Rixen Tim , Chen Chung , Liu Lon-Mu , DeCarlo Thomas M , Gaetani Glenn A , Cohen Anne L , Foster Gavin L , Alpert Alice E , Stewart Joseph A , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove , Thompson Diane M , Ault T R , Evans Michael Neil , Cole J E , Emile-Geay J .

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Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association
Authors: Harbott Marie , Wu Henry C , Kuhnert Henning , Jimenez Carlos , González-Díaz Patricia , Rixen Tim , Chen Chung , Liu Lon-Mu , DeCarlo Thomas M , Gaetani Glenn A , Cohen Anne L , Foster Gavin L , Alpert Alice E , Stewart Joseph A , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove , Thompson Diane M , Ault T R , Evans Michael Neil , Cole J E , Emile-Geay J .

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Authors: Harbott Marie , Wu Henry C , Kuhnert Henning , Jimenez Carlos , González-Díaz Patricia , Rixen Tim , Chen Chung , Liu Lon-Mu , DeCarlo Thomas M , Gaetani Glenn A , Cohen Anne L , Foster Gavin L , Alpert Alice E , Stewart Joseph A , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove , Thompson Diane M , Ault T R , Evans Michael Neil , Cole J E , Emile-Geay J .

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Authors: Harbott Marie , Wu Henry C , Kuhnert Henning , Jimenez Carlos , González-Díaz Patricia , Rixen Tim , Chen Chung , Liu Lon-Mu , DeCarlo Thomas M , Gaetani Glenn A , Cohen Anne L , Foster Gavin L , Alpert Alice E , Stewart Joseph A , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove , Thompson Diane M , Ault T R , Evans Michael Neil , Cole J E , Emile-Geay J .

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Authors: Harbott Marie , Wu Henry C , Kuhnert Henning , Jimenez Carlos , González-Díaz Patricia , Rixen Tim , Chen Chung , Liu Lon-Mu , DeCarlo Thomas M , Gaetani Glenn A , Cohen Anne L , Foster Gavin L , Alpert Alice E , Stewart Joseph A , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove , Thompson Diane M , Ault T R , Evans Michael Neil , Cole J E , Emile-Geay J .