Paired d18O and Sr/Ca, and reconstructed d18Osw records of Porites sp. from Rotuma (RO2) and Tonga (TNI2), Southwest Pacific

Two massive living Porites sp. coral colonies from Southwest Pacific were cored: from Rotuma, in 1998 (RO2), and from Tonga in 2004 (TNI2). TNI2 coral has previously published d18O time series (Linsley et al. 2008). Coral skeletal material was micro-sampled with a 0.5 mm drill bit, using a handheld Proxxon drill, in continuous 1 mm increments along the maximum growth axis to obtain close to monthly resolution. Samples were analyzed for d18O (RO2) and Sr/Ca (RO2, TNI2) allowing the reconstruction of d18Osw from both corals following the method of Ren et al. (2002). The trace element analysis of TNI2 was completed in every other mm resolution to match the resolution of Linsley et al. (2008). RO2 d18O was measured from individual skeletal powders at the MARUM, Germany, using a Thermo-Finnigan MAT 251 and MAT 253 gas isotope ratio mass spectrometer with Kiel I and Kiel IV automated carbonate preparation devices. Trace elements were measured at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Germany on the Analytik Jena PlasmaQuant MS Elite Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer. Data was interpolated into monthly resolution using the ARAND software Ager and Timer (Howell et al., 2006), and is dating back to 1821 in Rotuma, and 1848 in Tonga. The coral proxy data of this dataset provides sea surface temperature and salinity reconstructions from the data poor regions of West Pacific Warm Pool and South Pacific Convergence Zone extending the sparse instrumental and gridded data products available.

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Cite this as

Todorovic, Sara, Dissard, Delphine, Linsley, Braddock K, Kuhnert, Henning, Wu, Henry C (2024). Dataset: Paired d18O and Sr/Ca, and reconstructed d18Osw records of Porites sp. from Rotuma (RO2) and Tonga (TNI2), Southwest Pacific.

DOI retrieved: 2024

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Todorovic, Sara
Given Name Sara
Family Name Todorovic
More Authors
Dissard, Delphine
Linsley, Braddock K
Kuhnert, Henning
Wu, Henry C
Source Creation 2024
Publication Year 2024
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Todorovic-etal_2024
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

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Title: West Pacific Warm Pool warming and salinity front expansion since 1821 reconstructed from paired coral d18O, Sr/Ca, and reconstructed d18Osw
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Authors: Todorovic Sara , Dissard Delphine , Linsley Braddock K , Kuhnert Henning , Wu Henry C , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Linsley Braddock K , Zhang Peipei , Kaplan Alexey , Howe Stephen S , Wellington G M , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove .

Title: ARAND Time-Series Analysis Software
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2006
Source: Brown University, Providence RI
Authors: Todorovic Sara , Dissard Delphine , Linsley Braddock K , Kuhnert Henning , Wu Henry C , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Linsley Braddock K , Zhang Peipei , Kaplan Alexey , Howe Stephen S , Wellington G M , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove .

Title: Interdecadal-decadal climate variability from multicoral oxygen isotope records in the South Pacific Convergence Zone region since 1650 A.D.
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2008
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Todorovic Sara , Dissard Delphine , Linsley Braddock K , Kuhnert Henning , Wu Henry C , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Linsley Braddock K , Zhang Peipei , Kaplan Alexey , Howe Stephen S , Wellington G M , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove .

Title: Deconvolving the d18O seawater component from subseasonal coral d18O and Sr/Ca at Rarotonga in the southwestern subtropical Pacific for the period 1726 to 1997
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2003
Source: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Authors: Todorovic Sara , Dissard Delphine , Linsley Braddock K , Kuhnert Henning , Wu Henry C , Howell P , Pisias Nicklas G , Ballance J , Baughman J , Ochs L , Linsley Braddock K , Zhang Peipei , Kaplan Alexey , Howe Stephen S , Wellington G M , Ren Lei , Linsley Braddock K , Wellington G M , Schrag Daniel P , Hoegh-Guldberg Ove .