Normkonflikte und Gewalt: Beschreibungen und Erklärungen der Situation und des Verhaltens von minderjährigen Auswanderern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Deutschland und Israel. Transkripte der hebräischen Interviews

EN: The dataset consists of qualitative transcripts gathered from young Russian Jewish immigrants originating from the former Soviet Union. It encompasses 40 male non-inmates aged 15 to 18 living in Israel. Three translated transcripts into English are available for reuse. Narrative biographical parts of the interviews were combined with problem-centered interview parts. The former investigated in retrospect experiences of socialization in the authoritarian, repressive society that the migrants left, while the latter focused on their current integration careers and barriers in the two receiving societies and their experiences with control institutions in these societies. We collected information on the motivations and situational definitions of actors in conflicts, as well as actors who exert a more or less cooperative influence on conflicts. Data analysis in Grounded Theory is interwoven closely with data collection. The method of continuous comparison, already applied in the data collection, is the core of the analysis procedure. Three fundamental steps can be distinguished: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding.

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Strobl, Rainer, Zdun, Steffen, Hüttermann, Jörg, Aruin, Sergej, Koren, Chaya, Davidov, Jonathan, Kühnel, Wolfgang (2024). Dataset: Normkonflikte und Gewalt: Beschreibungen und Erklärungen der Situation und des Verhaltens von minderjährigen Auswanderern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Deutschland und Israel. Transkripte der hebräischen Interviews.

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
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Author Strobl, Rainer
Given Name Rainer
Family Name Strobl
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Zdun, Steffen
Hüttermann, Jörg
Aruin, Sergej
Koren, Chaya
Davidov, Jonathan
Kühnel, Wolfgang
Subject Areas
Name: HumanDimensions

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Title: Normkonflikte und Gewalt: Beschreibungen und Erklärungen der Situation und des Verhaltens von minderjährigen Auswanderern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Deutschland und Israel. Transkripte der deutschen Interviews
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Qualiservice
Authors: Strobl Rainer , Zdun Steffen , Hüttermann Jörg , Aruin Sergej , Koren Chaya , Davidov Jonathan , Kühnel Wolfgang , Zdun Steffen .

Title: Conflicts of Norms and Violence. Descriptions and Explanations of the Situation and behavior of Juvenile Emigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) in Germany and Israel. Abschlussbericht
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2010
Source: Bielefeld
Authors: Strobl Rainer , Zdun Steffen , Hüttermann Jörg , Aruin Sergej , Koren Chaya , Davidov Jonathan , Kühnel Wolfgang , Zdun Steffen .