Sensor data collected during the sampling in river Paimionjoki

This table contains sensor data collected during the sampling and all measurements that were conducted in the laboratory before any experimental manipulations. During each sampling the in-situ particle size distribution was measured by laser diffraction (data presented in a separate table), and conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and temperature were measured using a multiparameter sonde (EXO2, YSI). Laboratory measurements of the collected surface water samples include chromophoric and fluorescent dissolved organic matter, chlorophyll a concentration, suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbon and dissolved elements.

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Cite this as

Elovaara, Samu, Zhao, Lingbin, Asmala, Eero, Kaartokallio, Hermanni, Thomas, David N (2024). Dataset: Sensor data collected during the sampling in river Paimionjoki.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Elovaara, Samu
Given Name Samu
Family Name Elovaara
More Authors
Zhao, Lingbin
Asmala, Eero
Kaartokallio, Hermanni
Thomas, David N
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Paimionjoki_T1
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry