Laser altimeter data obtained over sea-ice during the ARK-XII campaign in Jul-Sep, 1996; profile ARK-XII_SBLA_19960829T1109_80.00_151.53_thr06_data_Vers5

Sea ice surface roughness data were obtained during the ARK-XII campaign in Jul-Sep, 1996 with a Single Beam Laser Altimeter (SBLA) mounted on an/a Helicopter (Mil MI-8) . A method developed by Hibler (1972) was used to a) isolate the surface profile from low-frequency variations associated with the aircraft motion and b) to identify pressure ridge sails. The processing steps are described in We applied a ridge detection threshold of 0.6 m, which means that only sails higher 0.6 m are detected. Version and name of the processing routine: (vers.5, Feb 22, 2024, SBLA records (IBEO - PS100E) are provided at a sampling rate of 200 Hz. Sensor accuracy is 3 cm with a beam diameter at surface of 11.4 cm. This specific dataset was obtained on 19960829T1109. It includes recorded altimeter readings, the derived surface elevation and width/height/spacing of detected pressure ridge sails. Note on data quality: 11.4 cm . File name: [DMS/PANGAEA Campaing Identifier] + [DEVICE] + [DATE/TIME] + [LAT/LON] + [Detection Threshold] + [Object] + [Version] + [Format]

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Haas, Christian, Hendricks, Stefan, Krumpen, Thomas (2024). Dataset: Laser altimeter data obtained over sea-ice during the ARK-XII campaign in Jul-Sep, 1996; profile ARK-XII_SBLA_19960829T1109_80.00_151.53_thr06_data_Vers5.

DOI retrieved: 2024

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Haas, Christian
Given Name Christian
Family Name Haas
More Authors
Hendricks, Stefan
Krumpen, Thomas
Source Creation 2024
Publication Year 2024
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: ARK-XII_SBLA_19960829T1109_80.00_151.53_thr06_data_Vers5
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: Ecology

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