Mesozooplankton abundance during Ana Maria Gayoso cruise in the South western Atlantic during late spring 2021

The abundance of mesozooplankton was assessed in the Southwestern Atlantic (SWA, 36-48ºS, 64-54ºW) during late spring (November 2021) on the Ana Maria Gayoso oceanographic cruise aboard the vessel Bernardo Houssay. The study covered three regions: the outer Patagonian shelf, the slope waters in the core of the Malvinas Current, and the adjacent open ocean in the Argentine Basin. Mesozooplankton samples were obtained from vertical tows equipped with a mechanical flowmeter. Organisms were identified and counted under a binocular stereomicroscope, up to the species level when possible. Biomass was estimated from literature only for copepods and euphausiids using previously established regressions to convert body length to wet weight biomass.

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Cite this as

Ferronato, Carola, Guinder, Valeria A, Gilabert, Azul, Lopez-Abbate, Celeste, Nocera, Ariadna, Loizaga, Rocio, D'Agostino, Valeria (2024). Dataset: Mesozooplankton abundance during Ana Maria Gayoso cruise in the South western Atlantic during late spring 2021.

DOI retrieved: 2024

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Ferronato, Carola
Given Name Carola
Family Name Ferronato
More Authors
Guinder, Valeria A
Gilabert, Azul
Lopez-Abbate, Celeste
Nocera, Ariadna
Loizaga, Rocio
D'Agostino, Valeria
Source Creation 2024
Publication Year 2024
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Gayoso_mesozooplank
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Related Identifiers
Title: Insights into protistan plankton blooms in the stirred Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Authors: Ferronato Carola , Guinder Valeria A , Rivarossa Martín , Saraceno Martín , Ibarbalz Federico , Tillmann Urban , Almandoz Gastón Osvaldo , Bourdin Guillaume , D'Agostino Valeria , Gilabert Azul , Loizaga Rocio , Lopez-Abbate Celeste , Nocera Ariadna , Silva Ricardo , Flombaum Pedro .