Time series of basal melt rates from autonomous phase-sensitive radar (ApRES) measurements at location EIS8 on Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica from November 2021 to December 2022

The dataset consists of derived melt rates from autonomous phase-sensitive radar (ApRES) measurements. The estimated basal melt rates are based on the analysis of firn densification, strain thinning, and the change in ice thickness from the determination of vertical displacements. The basal melt rates are averaged over 7 days (moving window). To represent the variability of the melt rate on sub-weekly timescales, we also calculated the 7 day standard deviation of the basal melt rates based on a 1 day moving window. The uncertainty of the basal melt rate is based on the uncertainty of the strain estimation and the determination of the ice thickness change. Data are exported in 4 hour intervals. A positive melt rate represents melting. Details on the processing are given in Zeising et al., (submitted to The Cryosphere).

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Cite this as

Zeising, Ole, Steinhage, Daniel, Berger, Sophie, Drews, Reinhard, Ershadi, M Reza, Fromm, Tanja, Hattermann, Tore, Pattyn, Frank, Eisen, Olaf (2024). Dataset: Time series of basal melt rates from autonomous phase-sensitive radar (ApRES) measurements at location EIS8 on Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica from November 2021 to December 2022. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.972026

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Source https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.972026
Author Zeising, Ole
Given Name Ole
Family Name Zeising
More Authors
Steinhage, Daniel
Berger, Sophie
Drews, Reinhard
Ershadi, M Reza
Fromm, Tanja
Hattermann, Tore
Pattyn, Frank
Eisen, Olaf
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: EIS8_2022_bmb
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: A ground-based radar for measuring vertical strain rates and time-varying basal melt rates in ice sheets and shelves
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.3189/2015JoG15J073
Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Source: Journal of Glaciology
Authors: Nicholls Keith W , Corr Hugh F J , Stewart Craig L , Lok Lai Bun , Brennan Paul V , Vaughan David G , Zeising Ole , Hattermann Tore , Kaleschke Lars , Berger Sophie , Drews Reinhard , Ershadi M Reza , Fromm Tanja , Pattyn Frank , Steinhage Daniel , Eisen Olaf .

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Authors: Nicholls Keith W , Corr Hugh F J , Stewart Craig L , Lok Lai Bun , Brennan Paul V , Vaughan David G , Zeising Ole , Hattermann Tore , Kaleschke Lars , Berger Sophie , Drews Reinhard , Ershadi M Reza , Fromm Tanja , Pattyn Frank , Steinhage Daniel , Eisen Olaf .