Processed physical properties measured on sediment core GeoB19938-1

Sound knowledge about the petrophysical characteristics of a sediment core is a prerequisite for any subsequent paleoenvironmental study relying on sediment proxies. Physical properties of whole-round sediment cores are acquired as a first step of sediment core description, prior to slicing of sediment cores into two halves. Here, we present processed physical-properties data of core GeoB19938-1 acquired with a Geotek MSCL-S system on the unsplit core, retrieved during RV Maria S. Merian expedition MSM44 to West Greenland/Baffin Bay in summer 2015. Cores were processed according to the standard protocol given by the manufacturer Geotek Ltd.

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Gebhardt, Andrea Catalina, Lenz, Kai-Frederik (2024). Dataset: Processed physical properties measured on sediment core GeoB19938-1.

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Gebhardt, Andrea Catalina
Given Name Andrea Catalina
Family Name Gebhardt
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Lenz, Kai-Frederik
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: GeoB19938-1_phys_prop_proc
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

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Title: BAFFEAST Past Greenland Ice Sheet dynamics, Palaeoceanography and Plankton Ecology in the Northeast Baffin Bay - Cruise No. MSM44 - June 30 - July 30, 2015 - Nuuk (Greenland) - Nuuk (Greenland)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2016
Source: MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie
Authors: Dorschel Boris , Afanasyeva Victoria , Bender Maren , Dreutter Simon , Eisermann Hannes , Gebhardt Andrea Catalina , Hansen Katrine Elnegaard , Hebbeln Dierk , Jackson Rebecca , Jeltsch-Thömmes Aurich , Jensen Laura , Kolling Henriette Marie , Le Duc Cynthia , Lenz Kai-Frederik , Lübben Birgit , Madaj Lina , Martínez Méndez Gema , Meyer-Schack Birgit , Schade Tobias , Siccha Michael , Slabon Patricia , Wangner David Johannes .

Title: Data for density calibration GeoB19938-1
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Dorschel Boris , Afanasyeva Victoria , Bender Maren , Dreutter Simon , Eisermann Hannes , Gebhardt Andrea Catalina , Hansen Katrine Elnegaard , Hebbeln Dierk , Jackson Rebecca , Jeltsch-Thömmes Aurich , Jensen Laura , Kolling Henriette Marie , Le Duc Cynthia , Lenz Kai-Frederik , Lübben Birgit , Madaj Lina , Martínez Méndez Gema , Meyer-Schack Birgit , Schade Tobias , Siccha Michael , Slabon Patricia , Wangner David Johannes .

Title: Documentation: Processed physical properties measurement on sediment core GeoB19938-1
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Dorschel Boris , Afanasyeva Victoria , Bender Maren , Dreutter Simon , Eisermann Hannes , Gebhardt Andrea Catalina , Hansen Katrine Elnegaard , Hebbeln Dierk , Jackson Rebecca , Jeltsch-Thömmes Aurich , Jensen Laura , Kolling Henriette Marie , Le Duc Cynthia , Lenz Kai-Frederik , Lübben Birgit , Madaj Lina , Martínez Méndez Gema , Meyer-Schack Birgit , Schade Tobias , Siccha Michael , Slabon Patricia , Wangner David Johannes .