Pressure drop data of two-phase flow in a horizontal tube filled with metal sponge

Abstract: Experimentelle Daten zur Zweiphasenströmung von gesättigtem CO2 in einem horizontalen zylindrischen Rohr (Durchmesser 14 mm) mit integrierten Metallschwämmen (offenzellige Metallschäume) unter adiabaten sowie diabaten Bedingungen werden vorgestellt. Außerdem wurde der Druckverlust bei einphasiger Durchströmung derselben Schwämme untersucht. Die nominelle Zelldichte der Schwämme beträgt 10 ppi („Poren pro Zoll“) bzw. 20 ppi. Der Massen-strom wurde von 25 kg/(m²s) bis 150 kg/(m²s) variiert und im Falle einer Zweiphasen¬strömung ebenfalls der Strömungsdampfgehalt (von 0,1 bis 1). Der Sättigungsdruck betrug entweder 12 bar oder 26,5 bar. Die mit Schwämmen gefüllte Länge stromaufwärts der Messstrecke variierte zwischen 12 mm und 210 mm bei 10 ppi Schwämmen und betrug 109 mm bei 20 ppi Schwämmen. Zusätzlich wurden die für den Druckverlust relevanten geometrische Eigenschaften der Schwämme, nämlich der Fensterdurchmesser, der Steg¬durchmesser, die Porosität und die spezifische Oberfläche, bestimmt. Abstract: Experimental data on the adiabatic and diabatic two-phase flow of saturated CO2 in a horizontal cylindrical tube (diameter 14 mm) with integrated metal sponges (open-cell metal foams) are presented. Moreover, the pressure drop of single-phase flow inside the same metal sponges was investigated. The nominal cell density of the sponges is 10 ppi (“pores per inch”) or 20 ppi. The mass flow was varied from 25 kg/(m²s) to 150 kg/(m²s) and the flow vapor quality from 0.1 to 1 in case of two-phase flow. The saturation pressure was either 12 bar or 26.5 bar. The length filled with sponges upstream of the test section varied from 12 mm to 210 mm for 10 ppi sponges and was 109 mm for 20 ppi sponges. In addition, geometric properties of the sponges relevant to pressure loss, such as window diameter, strut diameter, porosity and specific surface area, were determined. TechnicalRemarks: Sponges

10 ppi copper sponge (total length 200 mm, diameter 14 mm) made by replication technique total porosity: 91% open porosity: between 85% and 88% nominal cell density: approximately 10 pores per inch mean strut diameter: 0.45 mm * mean window diameter: 1.6 mm

10 ppi plastic sponge (total length 47 mm, diameter 14 mm) made by 3D printing

  • total and open porosity: 86%
  • nominal cell density: approximately 10 pores per inch
  • mean strut diameter: 0.6 mm
  • mean window diameter: 2.0 mm

20 ppi copper sponge (total length 247 mm, diameter 14 mm) made by replication technique

  • total porosity: 90%
  • open porosity: between 84% and 87%
  • nominal cell size: approximately 20 pores per inch
  • mean strut diameter: 0.28 mm
  • mean window diameter: 1.0 mm

Operating conditions

two-phase flow: pressure: 12 bar and 26.5 bar mass flux: 25 kg m-2 s-1 to 150 kg m-2 s-1 * vapor quality: 10% to 100% * adiabatic: heat flux: less than 0.9 kW m-2 * diabatic: heat flux: 8 kW m-2 to 40 kW m-2

single-phase flow: temperature: -10 °C to -15 °C mass flux: 25 kg m-2 s-1 to 150 kg m-2 s-1 * heat flux: less than 0.9 kW m-2

Cite this as

Weise, Sonja (2023). Dataset: Pressure drop data of two-phase flow in a horizontal tube filled with metal sponge.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC BY-SA 4.0 Attribution-ShareAlike
Author Weise, Sonja
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2018
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Engineering