Icon model simulations for publication "the role of tropical, midlatitude and polar cloud-radiative changes for the midlatitude circulation response to global warming"

TechnicalRemarks: The simulations were performed with the atmospheric component of the ICON model. The model is run with the physics package used for numerical weather prediction (version 2.1.00). The simulations are performed in R2B04 horizontal resolution (approximately 160km) with 47 levels extending up to 75km. A time step of 720s is used. We use a present-day setup and the cloud-locking method to determine the impact of regional cloud-radiative changes in the tropics, midlatitudes and polar region.

This data has to be used together with 10.5445/IR/1000094317 (ICON model simulations for publication "Cloud-radiative impact on the regional responses of the midlatitude jet streams and storm tracks to global warming") to determine both the role of global and regional cloud-radiative changes.

The numbers after T (sea-surface temperature) and C (cloud-radiative properties) in the cloud-locked simulations are - 1 for the control simulation - 2 for the simulation with a uniform SST increase.

For the regional cloud-radiative changes, the number after C refers to the cloud-radiative properties in region reg - TR for tropics (30S-30N) - ML for midlatitudes (30N-60N, 30S-60S) - PO for polar regions (60N-90N, 60S-90S)

T1C2TR means, for example, that we use C2 clouds in the tropics and C1 clouds in the midlatitudes and polar regions.

4d (time-lev-lat-lon) data

  • ICON-NWP_AMIP_T?C?reg_3d_mm.nc

The files contain monthly-mean data for 29 years.

storm track (lat-lon) data

  • st_ICON-NWP_AMIP_T?C?reg_geopot500.nc: time-mean storm track (mean over all years)
  • st_T?C?reg_1980to2008.nc: time series of annual-mean storm track data

  • st_ICON-NWP_AMIP_T?C?reg_geopot500_DJF.nc: time-mean storm track for DJF season (mean over all years)

  • st_T?C?reg_1980to2008_DJF.nc: time series of DJF storm track data

-> analogously for MAM, JJA, SON

transient and stationary components of eddy momentum flux and eddy heat flux, (time-lev-lat-lon) data

ICON-NWP_AMIP_T?C?_vT_uv_stationary_transient_mm.nc (global cloud changes) ICON-NWP_AMIP_T?C?reg_vT_uv_stationary_transient_mm.nc (regional cloud changes)

Variables: - vTtrans: eddy heat flux, transient component - uvtrans: eddy momentum flux, transient component - vTstat: eddy heat flux, stationary component - uvstat: eddy momentum flux, stationary component

The files contain monthly-mean data for 29 years.

Cite this as

Albern, Nicole, Voigt, Aiko, Thompson, David W. J., Pinto, Joaquim G. (2023). Dataset: Icon model simulations for publication "the role of tropical, midlatitude and polar cloud-radiative changes for the midlatitude circulation response to global warming". https://doi.org/10.35097/1217

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update November 28, 2024
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Source https://doi.org/10.35097/1217
Author Albern, Nicole
Given Name Nicole
Family Name Albern
More Authors
Voigt, Aiko
Thompson, David W. J.
Pinto, Joaquim G.
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2019
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Geological Science