Light spectra measured inside the aida aerosol and cloud simulation chamber

Abstract: Spektren der Lichtquelle in der AIDA Aerosol und Wolkenkammer Abstract: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE SPECTRAL LIGHT MEASUREMENTS IN THE AIDA AEROSOL AND CLOUD SIMULATION CHAMBER TO CHARACTERIZE AN LED BASED SOLAR SIMULATOR TechnicalRemarks: The spectra were measured on January 9th, 2020 at the heights above the chamber bottom of 1 m, 2.1 m, 2.9 m and 4.0 m with an uncertainty of ±10 cm in the center of the chamber with an Opsytec SR Pro UV-Vis Spectrometer connected to a UV-diffusor in W m-2 (spectral resolution: 2.3 nm (FHWM)) . The Opsytec SR Pro UV-Vis Spectrometer had been calibrated on December 11th, 2019 by Opsytec Dr. Gröbel GmbH showing spectral differences of less than 0.3 nm and an accuracy of ±9% for the radiometric results. The AIDA light source was operated at the highest output possible at room temperature for this characterization. Drastic outliers were considered as measurement artefacts and replaced by the median. The median was calculated with 15 points and every point exceeding the median by a threshold of 0.04 was replaced with the median. This resulted in the replacement of at most 21 out of the 2048 data points and does not change the general spectral information. The data measured at different heights were saved as a space separated text file: SRPro-central-measurements-20200109.txt. Please note that these data are related to the following publication in the AMT Special Issue: Simulation chambers as tools in atmospheric research: Vallon, M., Gao, L., Jiang, F., Krumm, B., Nadolny, J., Song, J., Leisner, T., and Saathoff, H.: LED based solar simulator to study photochemistry over a wide temperature range in the large simulation chamber AIDA, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2021.

Cite this as

Vallon, Magdalena, Gao, Linyu, Jiang, Feng, Krumm, Bianca, Nadolny, Jens, Song, Junwei, Leisner, Thomas, Saathoff, Harald (2023). Dataset: Light spectra measured inside the aida aerosol and cloud simulation chamber.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update November 28, 2024
License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Author Vallon, Magdalena
Given Name Magdalena
Family Name Vallon
More Authors
Gao, Linyu
Jiang, Feng
Krumm, Bianca
Nadolny, Jens
Song, Junwei
Leisner, Thomas
Saathoff, Harald
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2021
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Geological Science