Reproduction package for the paper on termination and expressiveness of execution strategies for networks of bidirectional model transformations

Abstract: This repository provides the transformation network simulator developed for the paper "Termination and Expressiveness of Execution Strategies for Networks of Bidirectional Model Transformations". It serves as a reproduction package for the insights on execution strategies of transformation networks given in the paper.

The artifacts comprise the sources for the simulator and a generated ready-to-use web application. In the simulator, the execution strategy presented in the paper as well as different other execution strategies for comparison are implemented and can be executed on different example scenarios, containing the scenario based on UML, Java, and OpenAPI that we have depicted in the paper. TechnicalRemarks: Instructions on how to use the data can be found within the repository.

Cite this as

Klare, Heiko, Gleitze, Joshua (2023). Dataset: Reproduction package for the paper on termination and expressiveness of execution strategies for networks of bidirectional model transformations.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update November 28, 2024
License Other
Author Klare, Heiko
Given Name Heiko
Family Name Klare
More Authors
Gleitze, Joshua
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2022
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Computer Science