Surfaced and suspended plastic: cup_pp_98_def_v1 (videos)

TechnicalRemarks: This folder contains videos of full plastics cups (Cup_PP_98_def) being transported with a given flow condition (V1) in physical laboratory experiments.

Cite this as

Valero, Daniel, Belay, Biruk S., Moreno-Rodenas, Antonio (2023). Dataset: Surfaced and suspended plastic: cup_pp_98_def_v1 (videos).

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC BY-SA 4.0 Attribution-ShareAlike
Author Valero, Daniel
More Authors
Belay, Biruk S.
Moreno-Rodenas, Antonio
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2022
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Environmental Science and Ecology