Data and scripts for article albern et al. 2021: "tropical cloud-radiative changes contribute to robust climate change-induced jet exit strengthening over europe during boreal winter", environmental research letters

TechnicalRemarks: This data set contains the scripts and model output needed for the analysis in the paper. Included is output from the ICON, MPI-ESM and IPSL-CM5A models. The simulations were performed with the atmospheric components of the models and with prescribed sea surface temperatures (SSTs). They use a setup with present-day continents and greenhouse gas concentrations, and mimic global warming by a uniform 4K SST increase. The simulations apply the cloud-locking or cloud- and water vapor-locking methods to determine the impact of cloud-radiative changes on the circulation response to global warming. Further details about the simulations and the method can be found in - Albern et al. (2019, - Voigt et al. (2019,

and in the paper itself.

Cite this as

Albern, Nicole, Voigt, Aiko, Pinto, Joaquim G. (2023). Dataset: Data and scripts for article albern et al. 2021: "tropical cloud-radiative changes contribute to robust climate change-induced jet exit strengthening over europe during boreal winter", environmental research letters.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update November 28, 2024
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Albern, Nicole
Given Name Nicole
Family Name Albern
More Authors
Voigt, Aiko
Pinto, Joaquim G.
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2020
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Geological Science