Chemotion repository - data collection: mass spectrometry data

Abstract: This collection contains mass spectrometry data that were collected in the research data repository Chemotion from 2019-2023. The scientists who contributed to this collection are given as additional information (-> Other) to this dataset. The dataset was collected to enable the systematic re-use of the mass spectrometry data in Chemotion repository. Method: The dataset was gained as a subset of information from Chemotion repository after (1) filtering for mass spectrometry data with a precision of 0.001 Da, and (2) removal of duplicates Other: The collection was gained from contributions of the following scientists: Alexander B. Braun, André Jung, Angela Wandler, Arnaud Westeel, Chloé Liagre, Christoph Zippel, Cornelia Mattern, Daniel Knoll, Danny Wagner, Eduard Spuling, Florian Mohr, Georg Manolikakes, Hannes Kühner, Harald Kelm, Helena Šimek, Ilga Kristine Krimmelbein, Irina Protasova, Isabelle Wessely, Jana Barylko, Janina Beck, Jasmin Busch, Jérôme Klein, Jérôme Wagner, Julian Brückel, Ksenia Kutonova, Laura Holzhauer, Lisa Schmidt, Lukas Langer, Lutz-F. Tietze, Martin Nieger, Mirja Dinkel, Miro Hałaczkiewicz, Nicolai Rosenbaum, Nicolai Wippert, Nicole Jung, Niklas Krappel, Olaf Fuhr, Patrick Hodapp, Simon Oßwald, Simone Gräßle, Stefan Bräse, Susanne Moser, Sylvain Grosjean, Sylvia Vanderheiden-Schroen, Thomas Hurrle, Victor Larignon, Vikas Aggarwal, Yannick Matt, Yichuan Wang, Zhen Zhang TechnicalInfo: The provided zip folder includes 599 datasets including at least one *.jdx file each and one metadata file "msei_final" with metadata describing the 599 datasets TechnicalInfo: The metadata file "msei_final" contains the following metadata per dataset: sample_id, molfile, ontology term, analysis_id, instruments, authors, content, molfile_id

Cite this as

Bräse, Stefan, Jung, Nicole , Huang, Pei-Chi , Lin, Chia-Lin (2023). Dataset: Chemotion repository - data collection: mass spectrometry data.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 14, 2023
Last update November 28, 2024
License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Author Bräse, Stefan
Given Name Stefan
Family Name Bräse
More Authors
Jung, Nicole
Huang, Pei-Chi
Lin, Chia-Lin
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Production Year 2019-2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type Collection - Collection of measurement data - mass spectrometry data
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry