Raw data to "overcoming barriers for high temperature alloys: oxidation and ductility"

TechnicalRemarks: This dataset contains the relevant raw data of the submission "Overcoming barriers for high temperature alloys: oxidation and ductility". All files highlighted by "MC" denote data on Cr-37.2Mo and "MSC" on Cr-36.1Mo-3Si (both alloy compositions given in at.%).

Fig1 = Scanning electron grayscale micrographs using backscattered electron contrast as *.tif images

Fig2a = area-specific mass changes (average and uncertainty in mg/cm²) as a function of oxidation time (in h); "800C" denotes 800°C and "1100C" denotes 1100°C; the dataset highlighted by "single_sample" is not averaged but determined on a single specimen

Fig2b = engineering stress-strain curves (in MPa and 1, respectively) for room temperature (= "RT") and 900°C (= "900C")

Fig2c = 1% offset yield strength (in MPa) as a function of testing temperature (in °C)

Fig2d = true work hardening (in MPa) as a function of true stress (in MPa) for room temperature (= "RT") and 900°C (= "900C")

Fig3 = Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy maps as fully annotated comma-separated matrix file; the characteristic lines a highlights in the file name "CrK" = Cr-K, "MoL" = Mo-L, "SiK" = Si-K, "OK" = O-K

Fig4 = Electron backscatter diffraction maps as fully annotated *.ang file

FigS1 = X-ray diffraction patterns of the as cast condition as background-subtracted intensity (in 1) as a function of 2Theta diffraction angle (in °)

FigS2 = X-ray diffraction patterns of the oxidized material (100 h at 800°C = "800C" and 1100°C = "1100C") as background-subtracted intensity (in 1) as a function of 2Theta diffraction angle (in °)

FigS3 = Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy maps as fully annotated comma-separated matrix file; the characteristic lines a highlights in the file name "CrK" = Cr-K, "MoL" = Mo-L, "OK" = O-K

FigS4 = time-dependent (in h) scale thicknesses determined form scanning electron micrographs of oxide scales (in µm); "internal_corrosion_zone" denotes the thickness of the internally oxdized regions; "800C" denotes 800°C and "1100C" denotes 1100°C

FigS5 = Electron backscatter diffraction maps as fully annotated *.ang file

Cite this as

Hinrichs, Frauke, Winkens, Georg, Kramer, Lena Katharina, Schliephake, Daniel, Falcão, Gabriely, Galetz, Mathias Christian, Inui, Haruyuki, Kauffmann, Alexander, Heilmaier, Martin (2024). Dataset: Raw data to "overcoming barriers for high temperature alloys: oxidation and ductility". https://doi.org/10.35097/1866

DOI retrieved: 2024

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Field Value
Imported on November 28, 2024
Last update November 28, 2024
License CC BY-SA 4.0 Attribution-ShareAlike
Source https://doi.org/10.35097/1866
Author Hinrichs, Frauke
Given Name Frauke
Family Name Hinrichs
More Authors
Winkens, Georg
Kramer, Lena Katharina
Schliephake, Daniel
Falcão, Gabriely
Galetz, Mathias Christian
Inui, Haruyuki
Kauffmann, Alexander
Heilmaier, Martin
Source Creation 2024
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2023
Publication Year 2024
Subject Areas
Name: Materials Science