Abstract: The dataset contains UV/vis extinction (EXT) and reflection (REF) data of pure pigment layers (cyan, magenta, yellow) printed on a substrate (REF: high quality paper | EXT: overhead transparencies) by a commercial inkjet printer.
TechnicalRemarks: # General Information
This dataset contains measurement series of spectral data. They all originated from a printing procedure that used inkjet dye of three base colors cyan, magenta and yellow to print individual layers on one of two different substrates. Afterwards, these print samples are analyzed by UV/vis spectroscopy. A sample is created by printing a predefined number of base color layers on top of each other. The designation CCMMYY signifies that, initially, a layer of cyan was printed on the substrate. In the next step, the sample was subjected to a drying process, after which a subsequent layer, in this instance, another layer of cyan, was printed on top. This process was repeated until the final layer, in this case yellow, was printed.
There are two types of samples based on the measurement methodology and substrates used:
1. Extinction (EXT)
Substrate: Coated polyester foil (CPF) (Avery Inkjet 2502, Avery Zweckform GmbH, Oberlaindern, Germany)
Measurement: UV/vis extinction measurement between 380 nm and 800 nm and a spectral resolution of 0.423 nm with a UV/vis spectrometer (Flame S-XR1, Ocean Insight, Orlando, FL, USA) in combination with a deuterium-halogen light source (DH-2000, Ocean Insight, Orlando, FL, USA)
2. Reflection (REF)
Substrate: High quality paper (HQP) (tecno superior, Inapa Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany)
Measurement: UV/vis reflection measurement between 361 nm and 800 nm and a spectral resolution of 1 nm with a UV/vis-NIR spectrometer (Cary 5000 , Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara CA, USA).
Detailed description of datasets
Subset 1 - CMY - 4 Layers - EXT
This subset is designated as CMY-4L-P81-EXT. In total, four color layers were printed on the CPF and then analyzed by UV/vis spectroscopy. All possible combinations were printed and analyzed, resulting in a total of 81 samples. The flag EXT indicates, that a UV/vis extinction measurement was conducted to generate the data of this subset.
Subset 2 - CMY - 6 Layers - EXT
This subset is designated as CMY-6L-PM90-EXT. In total, six color layers were printed on the CPF and then analyzed by UV/vis spectroscopy. A specific set of color combinations were printed and analyzed, resulting in a total of 90 samples. The flag EXT indicates, that a UV/vis extinction measurement was conducted to generate the data of this subset.
Subset 2 - CMY - 6 Layers - REF
This subset is designated as CMY-6L-PM90-REF. In total, six color layers were printed on the HQP and then analyzed by UV/vis spectroscopy. A specific set of color combinations were printed and analyzed, resulting in a total of 90 samples. The flag REF indicates, that a UV/vis reflection measurement was conducted to generate the data of this subset.
Data types
All spectroscopic extinction data is published in the .xlsx (combined spreadsheet) and .npy (separate files) format.