
AgendaAnalytics is a use case for Linked Data and AI within the SALTED project. It strives to measure the adherence of a an organization (like a company or city) to a given agenda (like development or compliance goals). The congruence between the organization’s publications and the agenda is computed using NLP techniques. The dataset relevant for the use case consists of 5 entity types: Organization, KeyPerformanceIndicator, DistributionDCAT-AP, DataServiceDCAT-AP, DataServiceRun. The full documentation is available at:

An Organization represents an entity such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc. Within the AgendaAnalytics use case it is the base for any calculation / analysis.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Imported on January 24, 2025
Last update January 24, 2025
Author SALTED Project
Language English
Access Rights public
Production Year 2023-11-30T18:45:11.206755Z