Dynamic Attitude Estimation Improvement for Low-cost MEMS IMU by Integrating ...
This paper proposes a low-cost six Degree-of-Freedom (6-DOF) navigation system for small aerial robots based on the integration of Global Position System (GPS) receiver with... -
The Room-for-Room (R4R) dataset for instruction conditioned navigation -
The Room-to-Room dataset is a photo-realistic dataset for vision-and-language navigation, where agents navigate through indoor environments based on natural language instructions. -
General Evaluation for Instruction Conditioned Navigation using Dynamic Time ...
The dataset for instruction conditioned navigation using dynamic time warping -
Room-to-Room (R2R) dataset
The Room-to-Room (R2R) dataset is a benchmark for vision-and-language navigation tasks. It consists of 7,189 paths sampled from its navigation graphs, each with three... -
The Oxford Radar Robotcar Dataset
The Oxford Radar Robotcar Dataset is a radar extension to the Oxford Robotcar Dataset, containing data collected from a scanning Navtech radar in various weather conditions. -
Magnetic Anomaly-based Navigation Dataset
The dataset used for the magnetic anomaly-based navigation problem, containing a scalar magnetometer measurements and a priori magnetic field map. -
Vision-and-Language Navigation
The Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task gives a global natural sentence I = {w0,..., wl} as an instruction, where wi is a word token while the l is the length of the... -
Coverage-Aware Navigation for Cellular-Connected UAVs
The dataset used in this paper for coverage-aware navigation for cellular-connected UAVs. -
R2R-CE and RxR-CE
The R2R-CE and RxR-CE datasets are used for vision-language navigation tasks in continuous environments.