5 datasets found

Tags: KITTI dataset

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  • KITTI tracking dataset

    KITTI tracking dataset provides 21 training and 29 test sequences. The dataset provides 2D bounding box annotations for cars, pedestrians, and 6 other classes, but only the...
  • KITTI 2015 dataset

    KITTI 2015 dataset contains videos in 200 street scenes captured by RGB cameras, with sparse depth ground truths captured by Velodyne laser scanner.
  • KITTI Raw

    Novel view synthesis is a long-standing problem that revolves around rendering frames of scenes from novel camera viewpoints.
  • KITTI odometry dataset

    The KITTI odometry dataset is a benchmark for evaluating visual odometry and other computer vision tasks. It contains a large collection of images and corresponding ground-truth...
  • KITTI dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the KITTI dataset, which is a benchmark for monocular depth estimation. The dataset consists of a large collection of images and corresponding...
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