20 datasets found

Tags: occlusion

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  • MOT17 and MOT20

    Object permanence is the concept that objects in a physical world continue to exist despite the observers inability to sense them. This can result in temporally unstable...
  • Occluded-DukeMTMC

    Person re-identification (re-ID) under various occlusions has been a long-standing challenge as person images with different types of occlusions often suffer from misalign-ment...
  • Caltech Pedestrian

    The dataset used in the paper is a video prediction dataset with occlusions, which is used to evaluate the proposed Fast Fourier Inception Networks (FFINet) for occluded video...
  • TaxiBJ

    The dataset used in the paper is a video prediction dataset with occlusions, which is used to evaluate the proposed Fast Fourier Inception Networks (FFINet) for occluded video...
  • Stanford Cars dataset

    The Stanford Cars dataset is a dataset of images of cars, with 196 categories and approximately 16,000 images. The authors created a synthetic dataset by adding occlusions of...
  • MMHuman

    A new dataset for multi-person 3D pose estimation with occlusion handling in moving camera environments.
  • DriveU Traffic Light Dataset

    The DriveU Traffic Light Dataset is a dataset of annotated traffic lights with various features, including color, directionality, and occlusion level.

    LINEMOD dataset is a widely used instance-level 6D object pose estimation dataset which consists of 13 different objects with significant shape variation.
  • Learning to Disentangle Scenes for Person Re-identification

    The proposed method employs a divide-and-conquer strategy for the ReID task. Concretely, two self-supervision operations are used to generate new images with the characteristics...
  • AR face

    Face recognition dataset with occlusions
  • IJB-C

    The dataset used in the FairFace Challenge at ECCV 2020 is a reannotated version of IJB-C [37] database enriched by newly collected 12,549 public domain images.
  • IJB-A

    The IJB-A dataset is a large-scale unconstrained face recognition dataset, containing 5,397 images and 2,042 videos from 500 subjects, captured from in-the-wild environment to...
  • CMU-Panoptic

    The CMU-Panoptic dataset is a multi-person indoor dataset collected with multi-view cameras. The dataset is used for occluded human mesh recovery.
  • 3DPW-Crowd

    The 3DPW-Crowd dataset is a person crowded subset of 3DPW, containing 1923 persons. The dataset is used for occluded human mesh recovery.
  • 3DOH

    Estimating 3D human pose and shape from monocular images is a crucial task for various applications such as performance retargeting, virtual avatars, and human action recognition.
  • 3DPW-PC

    The 3DPW-PC dataset is a person-person occlusion subset of 3DPW, containing 2218 individuals. The dataset is used for occluded human mesh recovery.
  • 3DPW-OC

    The 3DPW-OC dataset is a person-object occlusion subset of 3DPW, containing 20243 persons. The dataset is used for occluded human mesh recovery.
  • YCB-Video

    The dataset used for 6D object pose estimation, consisting of images of 16 objects with varying levels of occlusion.
  • OCHuman

    The OCHuman dataset is a more challenging dataset, where each human instance is heavily occluded by one or several others and the postures of the human bodies are more complex.
  • MNIST Dataset

    The MNIST dataset (Lecun et al., 1998), which consists of 60,000 gray-scale images of handwritten digits. Each image has an accompanying label in {0, 1,..., 9}, and is stored as...
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