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VADEERS dataset

The dataset D = {XS, XI, XB, YR, (cid:126)yG} consists of five parts, where XS ∈ R304×300 denotes drugs’ SMILES vector representations, XI ∈ R117×294 denotes drugs’ inhibition profiles across a panel of protein kinases, XB ∈ R922×241 denotes a matrix of cell lines biological features, YR ∈ R922×304 denotes a matrix with drug response indicators for a given cell line c and drug d, and (cid:126)yG ∈ R117 denotes a vector of guiding labels for a subset of considered drugs.

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Cite this as

Krzysztof Koras, Marcin Mo˙zejko, Paulina Szymczak, Eike Staub, Ewa Szczurek (2024). Dataset: VADEERS dataset.

Private DOI This DOI is not yet resolvable.
It is available for use in manuscripts, and will be published when the Dataset is made public.

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Field Value
Created December 16, 2024
Last update December 16, 2024
Defined In
Author Krzysztof Koras
More Authors
Marcin Mo˙zejko
Paulina Szymczak
Eike Staub
Ewa Szczurek