Dataset Groups Activity Stream Backtrackless Aligned-Spatial Graph Convolutional Network The proposed BASGCN model is a new spatially-based GCN model for graph classification tasks. BibTex: @dataset{Lu_Bai_and_Lixin_Cui_and_Yuhang_Jiao_and_Luca_Rossi_and_Edwin_R_Hancock_2024, abstract = {The proposed BASGCN model is a new spatially-based GCN model for graph classification tasks.}, author = {Lu Bai and Lixin Cui and Yuhang Jiao and Luca Rossi and Edwin R. Hancock}, doi = {10.57702/fz8fiw2t}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'backtrackless aligned spatial graph', 'graph classification', 'graph convolutional network'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Backtrackless Aligned-Spatial Graph Convolutional Network}, url = {}, year = {2024} }