Dataset Groups Activity Stream Concrete Compressive Strength dataset The dataset used in the paper is the Concrete Compressive Strength dataset, which contains 3,000 concrete compressive strength test results. BibTex: @dataset{Wojciech_Samek_and_Gr´egoire_Montavon_and_Sebastian_Lapuschkin_and_Christopher_J_Anders_and_Klaus-Robert_M¨uller_2024, abstract = {The dataset used in the paper is the Concrete Compressive Strength dataset, which contains 3,000 concrete compressive strength test results.}, author = {Wojciech Samek and Gr´egoire Montavon and Sebastian Lapuschkin and Christopher J. Anders and Klaus-Robert M¨uller}, doi = {10.57702/1xibd1u5}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'compressive strength', 'concrete', 'material science'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Concrete Compressive Strength dataset}, url = {}, year = {2024} }