Dataset Groups Activity Stream Controlled Latent Space Sampling for Antimicrobial Peptide Design A dataset of peptide sequences used for training and testing the proposed CLaSS method for controlled generation of antimicrobial peptides. BibTex: @dataset{Payel_Das_and_Tom_Sercu_and_Kahini_Wadhawan_and_Inkit_Padhi_and_Sebastian_Gehrmann_and_Flaviu_Cipcigan_and_Vijil_Chenthamarakshan_and_Hendrik_Strobelt_and_Cicero_dos_Santos_and_Pin-Yu_Chen_and_Yi_Yan_Yang_and_Jeremy_P_K_Tan_and_James_Hedrick_and_Jason_Crain_and_Aleksandra_Mojsilovic_2024, abstract = {A dataset of peptide sequences used for training and testing the proposed CLaSS method for controlled generation of antimicrobial peptides.}, author = {Payel Das and Tom Sercu and Kahini Wadhawan and Inkit Padhi and Sebastian Gehrmann and Flaviu Cipcigan and Vijil Chenthamarakshan and Hendrik Strobelt and Cicero dos Santos and Pin-Yu Chen and Yi Yan Yang and Jeremy P. K. Tan and James Hedrick and Jason Crain and Aleksandra Mojsilovic}, doi = {10.57702/bglnzdrz}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'Antimicrobial peptides', 'Deep learning', 'Machine learning', 'Peptide design'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Controlled Latent Space Sampling for Antimicrobial Peptide Design}, url = {}, year = {2024} }