Dataset Groups Activity Stream ETH3D Stereo Dataset A benchmark for stereo matching, consisting of 50 stereo pairs with ground truth disparity maps. BibTex: @dataset{Thomas_Sch¨ops_and_Johannes_L_Sch¨onberger_and_Silvano_Galliani_and_Torsten_Sattler_and_Konrad_Schindler_and_Marc_Pollefeys_and_An-dreas_Geiger_2024, abstract = {A benchmark for stereo matching, consisting of 50 stereo pairs with ground truth disparity maps.}, author = {Thomas Sch¨ops and Johannes L. Sch¨onberger and Silvano Galliani and Torsten Sattler and Konrad Schindler and Marc Pollefeys and An-dreas Geiger}, doi = {10.57702/2pi8tigx}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'Benchmark', 'Ground Truth', 'Stereo Matching'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {ETH3D Stereo Dataset}, url = {}, year = {2024} }