Dataset Groups Activity Stream Experimental Ultrasonic Testing Data Experimental ultrasonic testing data collected from carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites with manufactured defects. BibTex: @dataset{Shaun_McKnight_and_Christopher_MacKinnon_and_S_Gareth_Pierce_and_Ehsan_Mohseni_and_Vedran_Tunukovic_and_Charles_N_MacLeod_and_Randika_K_W_Vithanage_and_Tom_O'Hare_2024, abstract = {Experimental ultrasonic testing data collected from carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites with manufactured defects.}, author = {Shaun McKnight and Christopher MacKinnon and S. Gareth Pierce and Ehsan Mohseni and Vedran Tunukovic and Charles N. MacLeod and Randika K. W. Vithanage and Tom O'Hare}, doi = {10.57702/wbl0eorw}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites', 'defect detection', 'ultrasonic testing'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Experimental Ultrasonic Testing Data}, url = {}, year = {2024} }