Dataset Groups Activity Stream Math23k Math23k is the most commonly used Chinese dataset in MWP solving. It contains 23,162 problems with 21,162 training problems, 1,000 validation problems and 1,000 testing problems. BibTex: @dataset{Wang_et_al_2024, abstract = {Math23k is the most commonly used Chinese dataset in MWP solving. It contains 23,162 problems with 21,162 training problems, 1,000 validation problems and 1,000 testing problems.}, author = {Wang et al.}, doi = {10.57702/srfogarp}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'Chinese Dataset', 'Math Word Problem Solving', 'Math Word Problems', 'Mathematics'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Math23k}, url = {}, year = {2024} }