Dataset Groups Activity Stream Membership-Mappings for Data Representation The dataset is used to represent data points through attribute values using measure theoretic basis for fuzzy theoretic analytical deep models. BibTex: @dataset{Mohit_Kumar_and_Bernhard_Moser_and_Lukas_Fischer_and_Bernhard_Freudenthaler_2024, abstract = {The dataset is used to represent data points through attribute values using measure theoretic basis for fuzzy theoretic analytical deep models.}, author = {Mohit Kumar and Bernhard Moser and Lukas Fischer and Bernhard Freudenthaler}, doi = {10.57702/y196yd1b}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'Data representation', 'Fuzzy theory', 'Machine learning', 'Membership-mapping'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Membership-Mappings for Data Representation}, url = {}, year = {2024} }