Dataset Groups Activity Stream PubChem The PubChem database is a comprehensive repository of chemical compounds, with each compound having a unique identifier. BibTex: @dataset{Kim_S_and_Chen_J_and_Cheng_T_and_Gindulyte_A_and_He_J_and_He_S_and_Li_Q_and_Shoemaker_B_A_and_Thiessen_P_A_and_Yu_B_and_Zhang_J_and_Bolton_E_E_2024, abstract = {The PubChem database is a comprehensive repository of chemical compounds, with each compound having a unique identifier.}, author = {Kim, S. and Chen, J. and Cheng, T. and Gindulyte, A. and He, J. and He, S. and Li, Q. and Shoemaker, B. A. and Thiessen, P. A. and Yu, B. and Zhang, J. and Bolton, E. E.}, doi = {10.57702/9vhhlwyz}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'anticancer', 'chemical database', 'chemical information', 'compound', 'compound repository', 'molecular biology', 'molecular structure', 'small molecules'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {PubChem}, url = {}, year = {2024} }