Dataset Groups Activity Stream Sketchy Sketchy is a large collection of sketch-photo pairs. The dataset consists of images from 125 different classes, with 100 photos each. BibTex: @dataset{Sangkloy_P_and_Burnell_N_and_Ham_C_and_Hays_J_2024, abstract = {Sketchy is a large collection of sketch-photo pairs. The dataset consists of images from 125 different classes, with 100 photos each.}, author = {Sangkloy, P. and Burnell, N. and Ham, C. and Hays, J.}, doi = {10.57702/qkbjfq4q}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'Computer vision', 'Hand-drawn sketches', 'Image retrieval', 'Sketch-based image retrieval', 'Sketchy', 'object recognition', 'sketch-based image retrieval'}, month = {dec}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Sketchy}, url = {}, year = {2024} }