Dataset Groups Activity Stream Slashdot Slashdot is a technology news platform where users can create friend (positive) and foe (negative) links to other users. BibTex: @dataset{Jiliang_Tang_and_Charu_Aggarwal_and_Huan_Liu_2025, abstract = {Slashdot is a technology news platform where users can create friend (positive) and foe (negative) links to other users.}, author = {Jiliang Tang and Charu Aggarwal and Huan Liu}, doi = {10.57702/7aza6txz}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'Signed Networks', 'Social Media', 'Technology News', 'feature learning', 'node label prediction', 'signed networks'}, month = {jan}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {Slashdot}, url = {}, year = {2025} }