Dataset Groups Activity Stream stl10 A popular dataset for computer vision, where the first domain contains the original images, and the second is generated by applying brightness, gray scaling, and Gaussian blurring. BibTex: @dataset{Andrés_F_Duque_and_Myriam_Lizotte_and_Guy_Wolf_and_Kevin_R_Moon_2024, abstract = {A popular dataset for computer vision, where the first domain contains the original images, and the second is generated by applying brightness, gray scaling, and Gaussian blurring.}, author = {Andrés F. Duque and Myriam Lizotte and Guy Wolf and Kevin R. Moon}, doi = {10.57702/5smtq2al}, institution = {No Organization}, keyword = {'computer vision', 'domain adaptation', 'manifold alignment', 'stl10'}, month = {nov}, publisher = {TIB}, title = {stl10}, url = {}, year = {2024} }