7 datasets found

Groups: 3D Reconstruction

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  • MonoSelfRecon

    MonoSelfRecon: Purely Self-Supervised Explicit Generalizable 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes from Monocular RGB Views
  • Scan2CAD

    The Scan2CAD dataset contains object-level human-generated annotations. The annotations include category label, segmentation, a similar CAD model in ShapeNet, and the...
  • Scannet: Richly-annotated 3D reconstructions of indoor scenes

    Scannet: Richly-annotated 3D reconstructions of indoor scenes.
  • ScanNetV2

    The dataset used in the paper is ScanNetV2, a real-world dataset for indoor scenes. It contains 1205 training scenes and 312 testing scenes, with instance-level object bounding...
  • 3D-FRONT

    3D-FRONT is a synthetic dataset composed of 6,813 houses with 14,629 rooms, where each room is arranged by a collection of high-quality 3D furniture objects from the 3D-FUTURE...
  • Scannet

    The dataset used for training and testing the proposed RGBD-based obstacle avoidance system for visually impaired people.
  • ScanNet Dataset

    The ScanNet dataset is a large-scale indoor dataset composed of monocular sequences with ground truth poses and depth images.