OCRTOC Dataset
A dataset for object recognition and manipulation -
Columbia Object Image Library (COIL100)
The COIL100 dataset is a benchmark dataset for object recognition and image classification. -
PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2007 (VOC2007) results
The VOC2007 dataset is a benchmark dataset for object recognition and image classification. -
Yale-CMU-Berkeley Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a simulated dataset for scene understanding and planning tasks, containing images of objects and scenes. -
Caltech 256 Database
The dataset used in the paper is the Caltech 256 database. -
Stanford 3D Scanning Repository
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors tested their model on various signal reconstruction tasks: 1D sinusoidal... -
SmallNORB dataset
SmallNORB dataset -
Places: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database
A large-scale hierarchical image database for scene recognition. -
TRansPose: Large-Scale Multispectral Dataset for Transparent Object
Transparent objects are encountered frequently in our daily lives, yet recognizing them poses challenges for conventional vision sensors due to their unique material properties,... -
Memory-Augmented Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning
The proposed method Memory-Augmented Relation Network (MRN) for few-shot learning. -
Eyeglasses Frames Dataset
A dataset of 85 eyeglasses frames under different viewpoints and fixed illumination. -
Facades dataset
Spatial pattern templates for recognition of objects with regular structure. -
EEG dataset for Object Recognition -
rotMNIST dataset
The rotMNIST dataset contains 28 × 28 grayscale images of digits from 0 to 9, randomly rotated by an angle uniformly distributed from 0 to 2π. -
Pascal VOC Challenge
The Pascal VOC Challenge dataset is a benchmark for object detection and image segmentation. -
Dollar Street
The Dollar Street dataset is a geographically diverse dataset with 38,479 images from 289 object categories. -
UKB object recognition benchmark
The UKB object recognition benchmark. -
Amodal Segmentation by Synthesizing Wholes
A synthetic dataset containing occluded objects paired with their whole counterparts.