Physics-aware Simulation for Object Detection and Pose Estimation
This paper proposes a dataset generation pipeline that uses physics simulation to generate images of objects in cluttered scenes. -
EuRoc micro aerial vehicle (MAV) datasets
The dataset used in the paper is the EuRoc micro aerial vehicle (MAV) datasets. -
Rigidity Preserving Image Transformations and Equivariance in Perspective
The dataset used in the paper is the LINEMOD and Occlusion LINEMOD datasets, which are used for 6D object pose estimation. -
Image Recognition FeedbackLog
Image Recognition FeedbackLog -
Water on Road Dataset
A new large ‘water on road’ dataset spanning approximately 2 km of driving in various on-road and off-road conditions. -
The dataset is used for predicting multi-level socio-economic indicators from structural urban imagery. -
Progressive Search Space Reduction for Human Pose Estimation
A dataset for human pose estimation that consists of images with annotated body parts. -
Articulated Pose Estimation with Flexible Mixtures-of-Parts
A dataset for human pose estimation that consists of images with annotated body parts. -
Strong Appearance and Expressive Spatial Models for Human Pose Estimation
A dataset for human pose estimation that consists of images with annotated body parts. -
Modec: Multimodal Decomposable Models for Human Pose Estimation
A dataset for human pose estimation that consists of images with annotated body parts. -
Clustered Pose and Nonlinear Appearance Models for Human Pose Estimation
A dataset for human pose estimation that consists of images with annotated body parts. -
Articulated Pose Estimation by a Graphical Model with Image Dependent Pairwis...
A graphical model for human pose estimation that exploits the fact that local image measurements can be used to detect parts and predict spatial relationships between them. -
Transparent Object Detection and Reconstruction
A dataset for transparent object detection and reconstruction on a mobile platform. -
Intrinsic Images
A dataset for intrinsic images, which is a representation of an image as a combination of a base image and a texture. -
Omniverse Object dataset
A large scale synthetic dataset for transparent objects learning, which can boost the performance for both our approach and competing methods in real-world testing cases. -
Image segmentation and depth estimation are crucial tasks in computer vision, especially in autonomous driving scenarios. -
Covfefe: A Computer Vision Approach For Estimating Force Exertion
The dataset used in this paper for predicting force exertion levels using computer vision and machine learning. -
Spinor Field Networks
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of point clouds with spinor features, where each point cloud is associated with a spinor feature and a regression target. -
KITTI 3D Dataset
The KITTI 3D dataset consists of 7,481 images for training and 7,518 images for testing. The labels of the train set are publicly available and the labels of the test set are...