SCGM dataset
The dataset used for training and testing the proposed deep co-training method for semi-supervised image segmentation. -
LLFF, Replica, and ScanNet datasets
The dataset used in the paper to evaluate the proposed FG-NeRF method for uncertainty estimation in neural radiance fields. -
Deep Epitomic Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep convolutional neural networks have recently proven extremely competitive in challenging image recognition tasks. This paper proposes the epitomic convolution as a new... -
Real-World Fisheye Image Rectification Dataset
The dataset is used for evaluating the performance of fisheye image rectification algorithms. It contains real-world fisheye images with their corresponding ground truth images... -
Synthetic Fisheye Image Rectification Dataset
The dataset is used for fisheye image rectification. It contains synthetic images with fisheye distortion and their corresponding ground truth images, distortion parameters, and... -
Battle of the Backbones: A Large-Scale Comparison of Pretrained Models across...
The dataset used in the paper is a large-scale comparison of pretrained models across computer vision tasks. -
Multi-step Pick and Place
The Multi-step Pick and Place dataset is a collection of images and labels used for training a visual representation that can bridge the sim2real visual gap. -
Stack Object
The Stack Object dataset is a collection of images and labels used for training a visual representation that can bridge the sim2real visual gap. -
The Lang4Sim2Real dataset is a collection of image-language pairs used for training a visual representation that can bridge the sim2real visual gap. -
AS-MLP: Axial Shifted MLP Architecture for Vision
An Axial Shifted MLP architecture (AS-MLP) is proposed for vision. Different from MLP-Mixer, where the global spatial feature is encoded for information flow through matrix... -
User-Controllable Latent Transformer for StyleGAN Image Layout Editing
The dataset used in the paper for user-controllable latent code transformation for StyleGAN image layout editing. -
Pacific Graphics 2022
The dataset used in the paper for user-controllable latent code transformation for StyleGAN image layout editing. -
Going Deeper with Convolutions
The dataset used for training and testing the proposed method. -
A hospital-scale chest X-ray database, namely “ChestX-ray8”, which comprises 108,948 frontal-view X-ray images of 32,717 unique patients with the text-mined eight common disease... -
Learning compact representations for LiDAR completion and generation
Learning compact representations for LiDAR completion and generation. -
LidarDM: Generative LiDAR Simulation in a Generated World
LidarDM: A novel layout-conditioned latent diffusion model for generating realistic LiDAR point clouds. -
Occupancy prediction plays a pivotal role in au-