Cartpole system
The dataset used in this paper is a Cartpole system, where the objective is to prevent the pole from falling over by pushing the cart to the left or to the right. -
Forest management problem
The dataset used in this paper is a forest management problem, where the objective is to maintain an old forest for wildlife and make money by selling the cut wood. -
Cliff-walking task
The dataset used in this paper is the Cliff-walking task, which is a simple grid-based environment. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the Self-correcting... -
Grid-world task
The dataset used in this paper is the Grid-world task, which is a simple grid-based environment. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the Self-correcting... -
CLEVR-Robot Environment
A benchmark for evaluating task compositionality and long-horizon tasks through object manipulation, with language serving as the mechanism for goal specification. -
Duckietown environment
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of state-action pairs generated by a pre-trained RL agent, used to train a self-supervised interpretable network (SSINet) to... -
Atari 2600 games
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of state-action pairs generated by a pre-trained RL agent, used to train a self-supervised interpretable network (SSINet) to... -
Atari 2600 games and Duckietown environment
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of state-action pairs generated by a pre-trained RL agent, used to train a self-supervised interpretable network (SSINet) to... -
MaxDiff RL dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of experiences of embodied agents in various environments, including a point mass, swimmer, and ant. The dataset is used to... -
Mujoco Benchmarking Continuous Control Tasks
The dataset used in the paper is the Mujoco benchmarking continuous control tasks. -
Mountain Car
The dataset used in the paper is a reinforcement learning dataset, specifically a Markov Decision Process (MDP) with a finite set of states and actions. -
Lunar Lander
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of data points from a lunar lander, which is used to test the proposed APG algorithm for task switching. -
Real-World Street Networks
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of real-world street networks. -
Irregular Graphs
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of 100-node irregular graphs. -
Generalized Value Iteration Networks
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of 2D mazes, irregular graphs, and real-world street networks. -
Mountain Car, Acrobot, and Gridworld
The dataset used in the paper is a reinforcement learning dataset, specifically the Mountain Car and Acrobot problems, and a Gridworld problem. -
Scaling robot learning with semantically imagined experience
Scaling robot learning with semantically imagined experience. -
Soft Actor-Critic Algorithm with Truly-satisfied Inequality Constraint
Soft actor-critic algorithm with truly-satisfied inequality constraint -
On-Ramp Merge Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a simulated on-ramp merge scenario, with 3 vehicles involved. The dataset is used to train a Deep Reinforcement Learning model to learn an...